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  1. how it works how to install (disclaimers and warnings)

  2. how to use it run ect…

  3. what it does

  4. how to use as a money getting machine

  5. the future

Q&A list

  • Q: Does Claude AI’s “computer use” feature require Docker?
    A: No, Claude’s “computer use” feature doesn’t require Docker; it’s designed to run on compatible platforms provided by Anthropic. Docker might be used to contain certain environments, but it’s not necessary for the “computer use” functionality.

    But you will need to visit Anthropic’s website and look for access to the “computer use” beta program. You might need to join a waitlist or apply for beta access, as this feature is still in testing.

    Q: Does Claude AI remember files or data between sessions?
    A: No, Claude doesn’t retain memory between sessions. Each session is stateless, so if you create or reference a file (like “”), it won’t automatically be accessible next time unless you store it in external storage.

  • Q: How can I save a file externally?
    A: Use cloud storage like AWS S3 or Google Drive for reliable access across sessions, or databases like MongoDB for smaller files or metadata. Network storage or local files can work for immediate access, but cloud solutions are ideal for broader accessibility.
  • Q: What file types can Claude AI work with?
    A: Claude can process text-based files, including .txt, .md, .csv, .json, code files, and formatted text like HTML or XML. For binary files like images or audio, pre-processing (like text extraction) is needed to make the data compatible.
  • Q: Can Claude AI write a program for Windows?
    A: Yes, Claude can help write code for Windows using languages like Python, C#, or C++. It can provide code for tasks like automating file operations, creating GUI apps, or running scripts, but you’ll need to execute and test the code locally.
  • Q: Can it upload videos to YouTube?
    A: Yes, with a YouTube Data API script, which Claude can help you write. The script includes authentication via OAuth and uploading code in Python. You’ll need to follow setup steps for API access in the Google Cloud Console, then execute the script to upload.
  • Q: Can I upload text files to Google Drive?
    A: Yes, with the Google Drive API, you can automate uploads. I provided a Python script that uses a Service Account to upload files. After setting up API credentials, the script handles the upload, allowing access to files from anywhere you have Google Drive.
  • Q: Can Claude log in to my Google account?
    A: No, Claude can’t log into your account directly. Instead, you can use OAuth 2.0 or a Service Account for secure access. OAuth allows access by redirecting to Google’s login for permission, while a Service Account lets applications use credentials without logging in directly.

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Installation process.

1. Install Docker. Get the Docker Image

2. Set Up API Keys and Credentials

  • Sign up on Anthropic’s website to access Claude AI and generate an API key with access to the “computer use” feature
  • You can find your API key in the Anthropic Console. (or create it).
  • Store this key securely in a file or environment variable, as you’ll need it to authenticate the application within Docker.

3. Create a Docker Container

  • Run the Docker terminal
  • Example command:
    • Used the code from :export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=%your_api_key%
      docker run \
      -v $HOME/.anthropic:/home/computeruse/.anthropic \
      -p 5900:5900 \
      -p 8501:8501 \
      -p 6080:6080 \
      -p 8080:8080 \
    • Replace %your_api_key% with your actual Claude API key. You can find your API key in the Anthropic Console. (or create it).
    • Mount any necessary local folders to /data if the “computer use” feature requires access to files on your host system.

4. Access the Interface or API in Docker

  • Put the code in the terminal page and wait for it to finish set up
  • When a web interface is provided, click http://localhost:PORT to open it in your browser  PORT will be replaced by a correct number).
  • For API access, you can send requests to http://localhost:PORT using your API key.


Saving a file

The easiest way is to use web clouds like Dropbox or Google Drive. However, for safer versions we provide other options:

To save a file ""  (for example) in external storage, you have several options depending on your preferred storage solution. Here are some popular methods:

1. Cloud Storage Services (e.g., AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage)

  • AWS S3:
    1. First, install the AWS SDK for Python (boto3):
      pip install boto3
    2. Upload the file to an S3 bucket:

      import boto3

      s3 = boto3.client(‘s3’)
      bucket_name = ‘your-bucket-name’
      file_path = ‘’

      s3.upload_file(file_path, bucket_name, ‘’)

  • Google Cloud Storage and Azure Blob Storage have similar SDKs and steps.

2. Database Storage (for file metadata or small files)

  • Files can be stored directly as binary data in databases like MongoDB or PostgreSQL, though this is best for smaller files or metadata.
  • Example with MongoDB (using GridFS for larger files):
    from pymongo import MongoClient
    import gridfs
    client = MongoClient(“mongodb://localhost:27017/”)
    db = client[‘your_database’]
    fs = gridfs.GridFS(db)with open(“”, “rb”) as file:
    fs.put(file, filename=“”)

3. Local or Network File System Storage

  • Save the file on a network-accessible drive or local file system. This approach works well if you’re running everything locally or within a controlled network.
  • Save the file to a specific path:

    import shutil

    shutil.copy(“”, “/path/to/save/location/”)

4. Web-Based Solutions (Dropbox, Google Drive API)

  • Use web APIs to upload files to services like Dropbox or Google Drive. For Google Drive:
    1. Set up Google Drive API and obtain OAuth credentials.
    2. Install the Google API Python client:
      pip install google-auth google-auth-oauthlib google-auth-httplib2 google-api-python-client
    3. Upload a file:
      from googleapiclient.discovery import build
      from google.oauth2 import service_account
      creds = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(“path/to/credentials.json”)
      service = build(‘drive’, ‘v3’, credentials=creds)file_metadata = {‘name’: ‘’}
      media = MediaFileUpload(‘’, mimetype=‘application/zip’)
      file = service.files().create(body=file_metadata, media_body=media, fields=‘id’).execute()

Each method allows you to access and manage your file


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1. Cloud Storage Services (e.g., AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage)

  • AWS S3:
    1. First, install the AWS SDK for Python (boto3):
      pip install boto3
    2. Upload the file to an S3 bucket:

      import boto3

      s3 = boto3.client(‘s3’)
      bucket_name = ‘your-bucket-name’
      file_path = ‘’

      s3.upload_file(file_path, bucket_name, ‘’)

  • Google Cloud Storage and Azure Blob Storage have similar SDKs and steps.

2. Database Storage (for file metadata or small files)

  • Files can be stored directly as binary data in databases like MongoDB or PostgreSQL, though this is best for smaller files or metadata.
  • Example with MongoDB (using GridFS for larger files):
    from pymongo import MongoClient
    import gridfs
    client = MongoClient(“mongodb://localhost:27017/”)
    db = client[‘your_database’]
    fs = gridfs.GridFS(db)with open(“”, “rb”) as file:
    fs.put(file, filename=“”)

3. Local or Network File System Storage

  • Save the file on a network-accessible drive or local file system. This approach works well if you’re running everything locally or within a controlled network.
  • Save the file to a specific path:

    import shutil

    shutil.copy(“”, “/path/to/save/location/”)

4. Web-Based Solutions (Dropbox, Google Drive API)

  • Use web APIs to upload files to services like Dropbox or Google Drive. For Google Drive:
    1. Set up Google Drive API and obtain OAuth credentials.
    2. Install the Google API Python client:
      pip install google-auth google-auth-oauthlib google-auth-httplib2 google-api-python-client
    3. Upload a file:
      from googleapiclient.discovery import build
      from google.oauth2 import service_account
      creds = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(“path/to/credentials.json”)
      service = build(‘drive’, ‘v3’, credentials=creds)file_metadata = {‘name’: ‘’}
      media = MediaFileUpload(‘’, mimetype=‘application/zip’)
      file = service.files().create(body=file_metadata, media_body=media, fields=‘id’).execute()

Each method allows you to access and manage "" in the external storage of your choice. Choose based on your application’s requirements, such as access frequency, cost, and scalability.


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PHP script to upload files to a server through a web form

1. Create the HTML Form (upload.html)

This is a simple HTML form that allows users to select a file and upload it by clicking the submit button.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>File Upload</title>
<h2>Upload a File</h2>
<form action="upload.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<label for="file">Choose a file:</label>
<input type="file" name="file" id="file" required>
<button type="submit" name="submit">Upload</button>

2. Create the PHP Upload Script (upload.php)

This PHP script will handle the file upload, check for file size limits and allowed file types, and move the file to the uploads/ directory.

// Define the target directory for uploaded files
$target_dir = "uploads/";
// Check if the form was submitted
if (isset($_POST[“submit”])) {
// Retrieve file information
$file = $_FILES[“file”];
$file_name = basename($file[“name”]);
$target_file = $target_dir . $file_name;
$file_type = strtolower(pathinfo($target_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));// Check file size (limit: 5MB)
if ($file[“size”] > 5 * 1024 * 1024) {
echo “Sorry, your file is too large. Maximum size is 5MB.”;
}// Allow specific file formats
$allowed_types = [“jpg”, “jpeg”, “png”, “gif”, “zip”, “pdf”];
if (!in_array($file_type, $allowed_types)) {
echo “Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, ZIP, and PDF files are allowed.”;
}// Check if the file already exists
if (file_exists($target_file)) {
echo “Sorry, file already exists.”;
}// Try to upload the file
if (move_uploaded_file($file[“tmp_name”], $target_file)) {
echo “The file “ . htmlspecialchars($file_name) . ” has been uploaded successfully!”;
} else {
echo “Sorry, there was an error uploading your file.”;

3. Create the Upload Directory

  • Make sure to create an uploads/ directory in the same folder as your upload.php file.
  • Ensure the server has write permissions for the uploads/ directory:
    mkdir uploads
    chmod 755 uploads

4. Using the Script

  • Open upload.html in a browser and select a file to upload.
  • When you submit the form, it should upload the file to the uploads/ directory and confirm successful upload or display an error if any issue arises.

Important Security Note

This example is a basic implementation. For production use, you should:

  • Validate the uploaded file further (e.g., check MIME type).
  • Consider renaming files to prevent overwrites and security risks.
  • Implement CSRF protection and possibly user authentication to restrict access.



Possibility to upload the video on YouTube


Claude AI can help write code to automate file uploads to internet platforms like YouTube, though it cannot directly perform the uploads itself. You can use Claude to generate code that automates this task, which you would then execute locally or on a server.

For example, to upload a video to YouTube, you would typically use the YouTube Data API. Here’s a general outline of how Claude could assist:

  1. Setting Up the YouTube API:
    • Claude can guide you through creating a Google Cloud project, enabling the YouTube Data API, and obtaining OAuth credentials required for accessing your YouTube account programmatically.
  2. Writing the Upload Script:
    • Using Python (or another language), Claude can generate a script that:
      • Authenticates with YouTube using OAuth2.
      • Uploads a video to your YouTube channel.
      • Sets metadata such as title, description, and tags.

Here’s an example outline in Python using Google’s google-auth and google-api-python-client libraries:

from google.oauth2 import service_account
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from googleapiclient.http import MediaFileUpload
# Initialize YouTube API
def upload_video_to_youtube(video_file, title, description):
# Set up credentials and initialize the API client
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(‘path/to/your/credentials.json’)
youtube = build(‘youtube’, ‘v3’, credentials=credentials)# Define metadata for the video
body = {
‘snippet’: {
‘title’: title,
‘description’: description,
‘tags’: [‘tag1’, ‘tag2’],
‘categoryId’: ’22’
‘status’: {
‘privacyStatus’: ‘public’
}# Upload the video file
media = MediaFileUpload(video_file, chunksize=-1, resumable=True, mimetype=‘video/*’)
request = youtube.videos().insert(part=“snippet,status”, body=body, media_body=media)
response = request.execute()print(“Upload successful! Video ID:”, response[‘id’])# Usage
upload_video_to_youtube(‘video.mp4’, ‘My Video Title’, ‘Video description here’)

Steps to Run the Script

  1. Install Google API Client:
    pip install google-auth google-auth-oauthlib google-auth-httplib2 google-api-python-client
  2. Run the Script:
    • Execute the script in your Python environment. This will authenticate using your credentials and upload the video to YouTube.

Important Notes

  • Permissions: You’ll need to set up OAuth2 credentials with YouTube, which may require manual authentication steps the first time.
  • Rate Limits: YouTube API has rate limits, so check the API documentation to ensure your usage complies.
  • File Size Limits: YouTube API supports large uploads but may require resumable uploads for very large files.

Let me know if you’d like more specific guidance on any part of this!

To run this code, you’ll need a Python environment where you can write and execute the script.

Step-by-step guide:

1. Set Up Your Python Environment

  • If you haven’t installed Python, download and install Python.
  • Ensure you have the required libraries by installing them via pip:
    pip install google-auth google-auth-oauthlib google-auth-httplib2 google-api-python-client

2. Create Your Script File

  • Open a text editor (e.g., VS Code, PyCharm, or even a simple text editor).
  • Copy the code into a new file.
  • Save the file with a .py extension, for example,

3. Obtain YouTube API Credentials

  • Go to the Google Cloud Console, create a new project, and enable the YouTube Data API.
  • Under APIs & Services > Credentials, create OAuth 2.0 credentials, and download the credentials JSON file.
  • Save this JSON file in the same directory as your Python script and update the filename in the script ('path/to/your/credentials.json') with the actual filename.

4. Run the Script

  • Open a terminal or command prompt.
  • Navigate to the folder where your script and credentials JSON file are saved.
  • Run the script with the following command:

5. Authenticate (First Time Only)

  • When running for the first time, the script might open a browser window for you to authorize access. Once authenticated, it will proceed with the video upload.

After setup, running the script will upload your specified video to YouTube with the given title, description, and other metadata.



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Uploading text files to google drive


you can use Claude AI to help generate a script that uploads text files to Google Drive, but the actual uploading will need to be done by running the script in a local or cloud environment where you can execute Python code, as Claude AI itself cannot directly access or upload files in a virtual session.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you set this up:

1. Set Up Google Drive API Credentials

  • Go to the Google Cloud Console.
  • Create a new project and enable the Google Drive API.
  • Go to APIs & Services > Credentials, and create OAuth 2.0 credentials or a Service Account for the Google Drive API.
  • Download the JSON credentials file and keep it handy; you’ll need to reference it in the script.

2. Install the Google API Client Library

  • Install the required libraries by running:
    pip install google-auth google-auth-oauthlib google-auth-httplib2 google-api-python-client

3. Create the Upload Script

  • Here’s a Python script that will upload a text file to Google Drive:
    from google.oauth2 import service_account
    from googleapiclient.discovery import build
    from googleapiclient.http import MediaFileUpload
    # Set up Google Drive API credentials
    credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(‘path/to/your/credentials.json’)
    service = build(‘drive’, ‘v3’, credentials=credentials)def upload_text_file_to_drive(file_path, folder_id=None):
    # Define file metadata
    file_metadata = {
    ‘name’: file_path.split(‘/’)[-1], # Set the file name
    ‘parents’: [folder_id] if folder_id else [] # Optional: specify Google Drive folder ID
    # Specify file type
    media = MediaFileUpload(file_path, mimetype=‘text/plain’)# Upload the file to Google Drive
    uploaded_file = service.files().create(body=file_metadata, media_body=media, fields=‘id’).execute()
    print(f”File uploaded successfully. File ID: {uploaded_file.get(‘id’)})# Usage example
  • Replace 'path/to/your/credentials.json' with the path to your JSON credentials file.
  • Replace 'your_text_file.txt' with the path to the text file you want to upload.

4. Run the Script

  • Save the script to a file, such as
  • Run the script in your terminal:

This will upload the text file to your Google Drive account. If you specify a folder_id, it will place the file in a specific Drive folder; otherwise, it goes to your root Drive directory.


Logging in with Claude AI running

Claude AI cannot directly log in to your Google account on a virtual session or handle personal account credentials directly. This restriction is due to privacy, security, and access limitations in AI virtual sessions. To access Google services programmatically (like Google Drive or YouTube), you would need to use OAuth 2.0 or Service Account credentials to authenticate securely.

For secure access, you would typically:

  1. Set Up OAuth 2.0: If you’re accessing your Google account resources (like files in Drive), you can use OAuth 2.0 credentials, which prompt a one-time consent screen for your Google account without exposing your password.
  2. Use Service Accounts: For applications that need Google services access without personal credentials, you can create a Service Account in Google Cloud. A Service Account provides a JSON key file with the necessary credentials, allowing API access without direct login.

If you need to automate Google services, you can set up OAuth 2.0 or a Service Account to use in your local or cloud environment, where you can securely execute code and handle the authentication.

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